💪 Learn C# and .NET, get better by building projects! Keep coding, keep improving!

I build .NET projects and I share real-world project experience with you to help improve your coding skills!


C# YouTube videos - organized ... a bit.
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An image of project Roshambo (Rock, Paper and Scissors)

Roshambo (Rock, Paper and Scissors)

Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: Javascript, .NET 6 Minimal API, RESTful
Play a Roshambo game with the computer.
An image of project .NET Project Dependency Analyzer

.NET Project Dependency Analyzer

Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: Blazor WebAssembly, D3
Visualize your application's dependency chains.
An image of project Fishcard


Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: Blazor WebAssembly
Search for safe fish to buy and eat!
An image of project The Clock

The Clock

Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: Javascript, CSS, PWA(Progress Web Application)
A PWA application that displays a clock with seconds on it. This is a project to address the problem that the timer on Windows 11 Taskbar doesn't show seconds.
An image of project Stack Beauty

Stack Beauty

Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: .NET WebAPI backend + Javascript Frontend, Dark Mode Light Mode support
Pretty print any stack trace and make stack reading easier.
An image of project NumberIt - CodeNameK

NumberIt - CodeNameK

Website: Open the website
Source Code: Open it on GitHub
Highlights: WPF, MVVM, Data Sync over OneDrive
Record the numbers for your daily life.
📝 Cheat-sheets, notes, sometimes blogs - on Gists. Open all on Github Gists.